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Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. The quantum torpedo was the next upgrade. . Variable-yield, a Quantum Torpedo usually releases more than double the energy of a standard Photon Torpedo in the 50-60 Isoton range. One thing the two scientists agree on is who would win in a ship-to-ship battle between the Galactica and the Enterprise . This means more shots per minute. It seems that quantum torpedeos are the next generation of photon torpedoes but I was wondering what made them better and what makes them 'quantum'. As something of a side note, the yield of a quantum torpedo is more difficult to determine than most. In terms of storytelling, they're the 'new, more powerful, superweapon' for DS9. Polaron Torpedoes, like Quantum Torpedoes, are just differently colored photon torpedoes. Quantum because the Quantum mines are far better then Photon mines. ), Hageman Brothers Sign Deal With CBS Studios, Five Actors Join Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, Coming Soon From The Official Starships Collection, Voyager Documentary Fundraising Smashes Past Goals, Deep Space Nine Illustrated Handbook Review, Star Trek Universe Ships Collection Coming Soon. Quantum Torps are an innovative new design which is markedly different from Photon ways that are never fully explained. “In Star Trek, what happens to the missed photon torpedo and phaser shots? Science! Calculations quickly showed that a relatively small Can a Lan Adapter cause a whole home network to crash? yield of 52.3 isotons. The M/A reaction occurs at four times the rate of a When it comes to torpedoes it comes down to preference. This vacuum draws in particles from imparts a tension force upon the vacuum domain. Quantums have a zero-point crystal thingemy. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Proton torpedoes were a type of explosive ordnance used throughout the galaxy. How do I save Commodore BASIC programs in ASCII? That wasn't a problem for the Defiant. 1) Defiant was being used as a technology testbed prior to Sisko getting her for DS9, not an operational starship. What's the map on Sheldon & Leonard's refrigerator of? (ENT: \"Fight or Flight\", \"Sleeping Dogs\", \"Judgment\", \"The Expanse… photon torpedo warhead with a yield of 21.8 isotons, achieved through Chroniton Torpedoes: A form of torpedo used by some advanced races in a state of chronal flux bypassing shields. Let's think about something though as far as Quantum torpedoes are concerned ... 2) E-E as designed appears to have only the one, the big launcher next to the Captain's Yacht. At what point did we see "full spreads" of quantorps used (and where they didn't destroy their target)? (ENT: "Regeneration") Although they were powerful weapons, even a direct hit from a quantum torpedo might not destroy solid neu… Fusion bombs still rely on fission as the trigger, but amplify the explosion using fusion (a boosted fission bomb does the same to a lesser degree). Plasma Torpedoes have a chance to add a 481 Plasma DoT over 10 seconds. That the E-E is equipped with BOTH is evidence enough of this; if quantums were of the do-all variety enough to replace photon torpedoes, they wouldn't have bothered to equip the more conventional weapons on the Enterprise. Quantum torpedoes used a plasma warhead while photon torpedoes used a matter/antimatter warhead. But, this is where inconsistencies in quasi-science come from, lol. In comparison, during that same period, Earth's Starfleet was still employing the spatial torpedo, although they soon upgraded to photonic torpedoes, the precursors to the photon torpedo. Can the strength of photon torpedoes be adjusted? Nov 7, 2019 @ 3:35am Originally posted by Mr. Fibble: Dyson rep torp and the phased quantum (think its from sunrise mission) are also both decent options. The membrane forms into subatomic particles accompanied by a high-explosive energy release." Since the theoretical maximum yield from a photon torpedo is roughly 2.7E17 joules, this would suggest that a quantum torpedo's yield is roughly 5.4E17 joules (129 megatons). According to the DS9 technical manual relies on rapid energy extraction from zero-point vacuum. Students not answering emails about plagiarism, Retaining permissions when copying a folder. The term torpedo in this context is somewhat misleading in that the weapons in question perform more like 20th Century air-to-air missiles than they do wet-navy torpedoes. controlled failure of the chamber wall. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. standard warhead. Spatial torpedoes are the ship's most powerful and primary ship-to-ship weapon before the installation of phase cannons. A maximum yield photon torpedo has been stated to be 200 isotons, or 540 megatons. Is there a reason why Sci Fi Australia wouldn't get the broadcast licenses for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine? If I remember the numbers correctly my Photon VIII says about 360 damage and Transphasic VIII says about 180 damage. Dwldjon. Additional launchers would seem to be superfluous and were only added for "kewlness" value. What is the difference between photon torpedoes and quantum torpedoes? Why don't (didn't?) An infinite group isomorphic to its own automorphism group, but not complete, Sci-fi film where an EMP device is used to disable an alien ship, and a huge robot rips through a gas station. What's the difference? How can I use GDAL installed with QGIS from command line? If it requires rare materials, ones that cannot be easily replicated (and we know they exist in the Trek universe), then there will be limits as to how many can be produced. The zero-point initiator is powered by the detonation of an uprated This energy is held expands, over a period of 0,0001 seconds, an energy potential Watching Star Trek I've observed that phasers and photon torpedos are used interchangeably, often seemingly at random. Memory Alpha notes that this conflicts on a couple of occasion with TV and film canon statements about photon torpedoes with yields into the hundreds of isotons but we can generally ascribe these to production errors. What is the difference between a torpedo and missile? Picard: Quantum torpedoes? (DS9: "Valiant") When a ship was destroyed with quantum torpedoes, the explosion left antimatter residue on the hull fragments. Can someone explain me SN10 landing failure in layman's term? "If you need, say, a 100-kilogram superconducting magnet to create the fields needed to suspend a 1-gram sphere of antihydrogen, your photon torpedo's going to be a little bigger than a beach ball." Photons can be manufactured relatively easily, they just contain antimatter. Also referred to as conventional torpedoes, spatial torpedoes are 22nd century weapons used by Enterprise. In fact the detonation of a single torpedo would release more energy than 13 times the explosives ever used in war from the discovery of gunpowder to the 1990’s. Such as photon torpedoes, or the more secretive romulan singularity torpedo, which is very similar to quantum torpedoes in yield and range. 400 damage. The Federation quantum torpedoes contained a plasma warhead (DS9: "For the Uniform") and used casings similar in shape to photon torpedoes and photonic torpedoes. a fictional measure that doesn't translate directly into megatonnes, March 2021 Topic Challenge: Cornelia Funke, Audience-specific texts for custom close reasons: Scientific Solutions or…. They may be 2x as powerful, but they may also be 10x as expensive to produce. How do photon and quantum torpedoes “miss”? Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. rev 2021.3.12.38768, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. Torpedoes The UFP presently uses two types of autonomous seeking weapons: photon torpedoes and quantum torpedoes. The suspended component packets are mixed, though they still do not come into direct contact with one another because of the fields surrounding each packet. Ability: Torpedo: High Yield - Official Star Trek Online Wiki Martian dust as ferric oxide and Rupert Wildt, Effects of time dilation on our observations of the Sun. So it appears quantum torpedoes are improved photon torpedoes. The two main differences between a "Quantum" torpedo and a "Photon" torpedo are the yield from the explosive warhead and the mechanism by which the explosion itself occurs. Shields drastically reduce the effects of kinetic damage. Armament: 4 dorsal phaser arrays, 3 ventral phaser arrays, 1 forward firing photon/quantum torpedo launcher, 1 aft quantum/photon torpedo launcher. What is the typical yield of a Starfleet photon torpedo? This compares with the maximum potential yield from a Quantum torpedo of around 52.3 isotons, substantially more than double. The detonation energy is channeled through the the formation of an eleven-dimensional space-time membrane. Hence my thought that quantums might not actually BE better than photons, they might just have a very different use. Unlike the photon torpedo, quantums are manufactured at a limited number of hidden facilities within the Federation. Propose future topics for SFF topic challenges! site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Photons do less damage per shot, but fire more quickly, resulting in higher spammable DPS. How can I draw the trefoil knot in 3D co-ordinates in Latex using these parametric equations? Thoron Infused Quantum Torpedo Launchers fire projectiles that deal heavy kinetic damage in a 90° arc. Likewise, a quantum torpedo still uses a matter-antimatter reaction to trigger the explosion, but it increases the energy of the explosion with an additional process. 1 Description 2 References 2.1 Notes 2.2 Sources The weapon most widely used by Starfleet vessels is the Type 6. volume of ultraclean vacuum carried aboard a torpedo warhead could By comparison, a Quantum torpedo uses the energy from a standard matter/antimatter explosion to generate a 'vacuum membrane'. I know that writers probably didn't think/care but I look for explanations in-universe. The core glow size growth it isn't based on torpedo type, either . The DS9 TM states that quantum torpedo yield is roughly 50 isotons, while photon torpedoes are limited to a theoretical maximum of 25 isotons. Unlike photonic torpedoes or any of the warhead's successors, spatial torpedoes are launched at sub-light velocity and can be used much in the manner of a missile, having the warhead on a fly-by-wire. Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! . The basic mechanism...involved numbers of new subatomic particles liberated correspondingly large ...Variable amounts of matter and antimatter [ which are ] both held in suspension by powerful magnetic field sustainerswithin the casing at the time of torpedo warhead loading. How did Voyager replace its photon torpedoes? At a signal from the onboard detonation circuitry, the fields collapse and drive the materials together, resulting in the characteristic release of energy. Do Master Records (in a Master-detail Relationship) Get Locked? As the vacuum membrane In the game they say that "Quantum Torpedo" is a euphemism for "Quantum mechanical shaping of a blast". place a highly explosive energy release on the target. fluoronetic vapor. alternate dimensions and the resulting influx of particles creates a huge amount of extra energy. They are held in two separate regions of the casing, however, until just after torpedo launch, as a safety measure. The Photon Torpedo is a powerful, long range weapon in use aboard Federation Starships for over one hundred and fifty years - early models differed from later versions of the weapon only in the level of sophistication and the power of the warhead. The staple of fedeation/starfleet weaponry for nearly 200 years. marches on, after all, even in Star Trek. I am not sure what you mean by Quantum are missing options they have lots of good options from wide angle, Delphic, Neutronic, Advanced Radiant and more. It's the equivalent of a hydrogen bomb which using a fission detonation to trigger a fusion reaction. Basically it's a fancy term for a shaped blast. Difference between a blaster, photon gun and phaser? However, they are functionally identical to photon torpedoes, albeit more powerful with the only visual difference being their color. According to the DS9 Technical Manual, the explosive force from a Photon torpedo is 18.5 isotons (a fictional measure that doesn't translate directly into megatonnes) with a theoretical upper limit of 25 isotonnes given ideal conditions. @Lèsemajesté Your comments could be an answer by themselves. The coffin-sized torpedo casings have been repeatedly shown, and there's been no apparent change in that basic size from early photonic torpedoes of the 2150's to photon torpedoes of the 2370's. The yield rate for a photon torpedo is therefore 95.73 megatons per 3 … To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Note: Though Photon and Quantum Torpedoes are fantastically powerful weapons, the initial matter/antimatter reaction often destroys the device before the reaction can be fully completed. Can you cast Call Lightning while submerged underwater? To extrapolate this into a naval analogy, quantum torpedoes would be the nuclear-tipped version of the Tomahawk while photons would be a conventional warhead in a TASM. The Quantum Torpedoes were introduced as a new kind of torpedo to replace the old photon torpedoes. increased matter-antimatter surface area contact and introduction of C++ syntax understanding issue for 'using'. A quantum torpedo has a minimum yield of 50 isotons, or 135 megatons. How much of the Transphasic Torpedo damage goes to the shield and how much goes through to the hull? It only takes a minute to sign up. Recharge is 8 seconds. But it is very clear that the INTENT of "quantum torpedoes" was that they were to be far more powerful than "mere" photon torpedoes. Is there a time limit on the PT, or are live torpedos ripping through space and exploding on unsuspecting targets? They used them extensively on board Raptor-class scout vessels, D5 class battle cruisers, and Birds-of-Prey. A cousin We have Quantum torpedoes. This is established from an 11-dimensional space-time membrane to activate a energy harvesting effect after initial detonation of the basic photon warhead. Why would it be a problem for the Enterprise? by the chamber for 10^ -8 seconds and is then released by the Spatial torpedoes are themselves superseded by more powerful photonic torpedoes. Photon Torpedoes have the shortest recharge timer at 6 seconds. (You must log in or sign up to reply here. So they'd be good news, but not really game-changing. The Gravimetric Photon Torpedo and the Quantum Phase one from Sunrise seem to be staples, and I think the new one from the Discovery reputation is also quite popular. Worf: Quantum torpedoes work. It derives it's name because it works on the quantum level (below subatomic). The Photon Torpedo is a technology dating back over a century (it was used in TOS) and has had only incremental improvements. Does making an ability check take an action? Three quarters of a Photon damage hits a shield and the other quarter is lost so that is about 270 damge to the shields. initiator within 10^ -7 seconds and energizes the emitter, which Why don't there seem to be many/any weapons that utilize warp? The process of creating large Has the Defiant beaten any enemy ship comparable to a 'Galaxy Class' starship in single combat? Functionally, they seem to have better penetration of enemy shields, a higher explosive potential, and slightly greater tactical flexibility. #4. Worf: We don't have photon torpedoes. Quantum torpedoes used a plasma warhead while photon torpedoes used a matter/antimatter warhead. Although there is no theoretical upper limit on the size of a matter/antimatter torpedo warhead - the Cardassian 'Dreadnought' type heavy penetrator carries a two thousand kilogram m/am warhead for example- warheads beyond the 25 isoton range tend to be too large and heavy for use as truly effective … photon torpedoes affect Borg Cubes? Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. The analogy falls apart compared to the way quantum torpedoes are actually used. They can however also fire other torpedoes at the same time. I havn't got a source for this, its a vague memory from possibly one of the games, so bear with me : When a photon torpedo detonates, the blast occurs in every direction. amounts of energy. topology of Genus 1 and pinched off from the background vacuum, When a quantum torpedo detonates, the blast is focused entirely towards the enemy, allowing for far greater destructive potential from the same explosive yield. Commissioned vessels: USS Aquarius NX-86280 - experimental prototype USS Janvier NCC-86281 - border patrol USS Février NCC-86282 - exploratory cruiser They are not affected by Weapon Power. equivalent to at least fifty isotons is created. Because of the nature of various exotic materials, many of the components cannot be replicated and thus cannot be manufactured By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Upon the detonation of a quantum torpedo, a photon torpedo warhead, enriched with fluoronetic vapor, detonates inside the torpedo and powers a continuum distortion emitter that pinches out a membrane from the background vacuum. DS9 TM assigned them a yield about two and a half times that of a standard photon torpedo. Introduced in the late 2360s, the quantum torpedo was part of the range of projects which formed Starfleet's response to the threats represented by the Borg and renewed activity by the Romulans. I would compare it with the relationship between fusion bombs and fission bombs., In addition to its normal effects, it also has a chance upon hit to apply a Thoron Radiation which damages and reduces accuracy to foes. it happens with all the various photon torpedoes … According to the TNG Technical Manual, Photon torpedos use 1.5 kg of matter and 1.5 kg of antimatter. The presence of two weapons in single vehicle is usually justified by different targets and uses, say a machine gun for soft targets (infantry) and a main gun for hard ones (other tanks). Much of the concussive force is wasted by not actually hitting your target. As you said, it ensures that all of the torpedoes explosive force is directed at the target or its shields. Quantum torpedoes are supposed to be much more expensive than photon torpedoes. 1 History and specifics 1.1 History 1.1.1 24th century 1.1.2 25th century 2 Appendices 2.1 Connections 2.2 External link These torpedoes were designed specifically for use against the Borg and a single transphasic torpedo is capable of destroying a Borg cube. The transphasic torpedo was a very powerful weapon brought back in time from the early 25th century by Admiral Kathryn Janeway. Picard: Mr. Worf, fire the photon torpedoes! Quantum Torpedoes travel faster than other torpedo types. A photon torpedo is a matter/antimatter warhead. "According to Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual, the Starfleet quantum torpedoes are instead armed with a quantum warhead that rapidly extracts the explosive energy from zero-point vacuum. of the superstring, the membrane was twisted into a string with a They were supplanted by 'transphasic torpedoes' in Voyager, which were capable of penetrating 'quantum shields' - evidently a defense against the improved penetration of q-torps. Discussion in 'Trek Tech' started by cwl, May 22, 2009. Gravimetric Photon Torpedo Launcher ... Aft Weapon 2 Dark Matter Quantum Torpedo Launcher ... Ceaseless Momentum's ability to let you maintain max torpedo fire rate is dependant on the number of slots filled with torpedoes vs the highest cooldown of the torpedoes sloted. Klingons began using photon torpedoes by at least the mid-22nd century. This is only 58 times the yield of a single quantum torpedo. @JaredTritsch: They're the technobabble of the week upgrade to solve a problem. Recharge is 8 seconds. That definition is from the game "Birth of the Federation". calling into existence a new particle. This would mean that the standard photon torpedo would have a yield of 45.88 Megatons out of the theoretical maximum of 62 Megatons.

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