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Level of disruption to campus activities. F. OSSJA will retain records of all reports addressed by this Protocol in accordance with their record retention policy. Conducting and/or engaging in activities of initiation or pre-initiation that involve physical, verbal or emotional abuse, harassment, presence or use of alcohol, humiliation, mistreatment of animals, unreasonable or meaningless acts or services, or acts that are illegal, perverse, publicly indecent, contrary to the individual’s genuine moral and/or religious beliefs, or contrary to the rules, policies, and regulations of the University. Evidence of the prior alleged behavior as detailed in the written notice may be introduced in a subsequent disciplinary action regarding the student's knowledge of University and campus policies and to determine the appropriate disciplinary sanction. A statement of the initial information to be provided prior to the hearing such as documents and other materials and the names of any witnesses with a brief description of the purpose of their testimony, A deadline by which the University and the reported student must submit information and the names of witnesses with a brief description of the purpose of their testimony, A statement that the student is entitled to be accompanied/assisted by an advisor, Either in the notice of hearing, or as soon as possible afterwards, the name(s) of the hearing panel members or hearing officer so that the student may submit a challenge (Section 103.11.5.D). A. Failure to identify oneself to, or comply with the directions of, a University official or other public official acting in the performance of their duties while on University property or at official University functions, B. Resisting or obstructing such University or other public officials in the performance of or the attempt to perform their duties, C. Failure to comply with a University No Contact Directive issued by a University official, A. D. Hearing authorities should have no prior involvement in the case and should disqualify themselves for any conflict of interest or if they believe they cannot render a fair decision. Consistent with this requirement, procedures specified in such regulations shall be appropriate to the nature of the case and the severity of the potential discipline. At the scheduled meeting, OSSJA will inform the. OSSJA has jurisdiction over academic or social misconduct by students that occurs on UC Davis property or involving campus functions, activities, equipment, facilities or locations that are operated under the University’s control. Students may not participate in any University activities or employment for which student status is required. A criminal plea, trial, and/or conviction, including a court order, opinion, transcript of sworn testimony, or other official record may be received as evidence. The conduct may also constitute a violation of local, state or federal laws. 1 pages. Other disciplinary actions, such as monetary fines, community service, or holds on requests for transcripts, diplomas, or other student records to be sent to third parties, as set forth in campus regulations. See 105.13 for definitions of deferred sanctions. Written notice of the date, time and place of the formal hearing with a reasonable time to prepare for the hearing, A brief statement of the factual basis of the charges, The University policies allegedly violated, The University bears the burden of proof, that is, a student is considered not in violation unless adjudicated through the conduct process, The opportunity to present documents and witnesses, The right to remain silent without any inference of culpability, however, when a student selectively participates in the process – such as choosing to answer some but not all questions posed, the hearing authority may consider the selective participation in evaluating the party’s credibility. he student does not have the right to present witnesses or confront or question any witnesses, although the Judicial Officer may contact and talk with others to help evaluate the alleged misconduct. The purpose of the review is not to reargue the facts of the case, but to consider appropriate sanctions. These provisions do not extend to public events or discussions, nor to lawful official law or policy enforcement activities. Obstruction or disruption means that the behavior has caused interruption or interference of the teaching, research or public service missions of the University, the orderly operation of the campus and its administrative functions, campus disciplinary procedures, or other University activities. An OSSJA staff person or CJB student member may serve in the role of a University representative for academic or social cases. A. Such holds may be placed when a student fails to respond to a campuses written notice of charges or to prevent a student from transferring or having their degree conferred until all allegations against a student or any assigned sanctions and student disciplinary conditions have been fully resolved. The Director will follow the procedures stated in PPM 390-20 for issuing this order. The closing summary allows the parties to review and highlight evidence for the panel that was provided at the hearing. Individuals may be subject to appropriate disciplinary procedures and actions if they provide false information in the hearing process. Level of fear for safety or well-being caused by the reported individual involving any member of the University community. “Private locations” are settings where the person reasonably expected privacy. If the at-risk student is directly involved in an alcohol or controlled substance medical-related emergency within 2 years after participation under this Protocol, H. Nothing in this Protocol will prevent an individual who is obligated by local, state or federal law from reporting, charging or taking other action related to the possible criminal prosecution of any student or non, UC San Diego Tritons Act: Responsible Action Protocol, Promoting Integrity & Preventing Misconduct, Student Conduct Policy regarding COVID-19, UC Davis Policy on Student Conduct and Discipline, University of California Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment, Center for Student Involvement Policy and Guidelines webpage,, STA 104: Applied Statistical Methods: Nonparametric Statistics . A medical related emergency involves a situation in which a reasonable person would conclude that contacting emergency medical services or a someone who directly contacts emergency medical services is necessary to avoid imminent harm to the individual who has consumed alcohol and/or other controlled substances. This Policy applies to former UC Davis students seeking readmission after Dismissal and former students of other UC campuses seeking admission to UC Davis after Dismissal from another UC campus. The University may be able to work with the employer to rearrange shifts or reduce communication. In such case, the record of the hearing may be used only in connection with legal proceedings. Before adoption, proposed substantive revisions to UC Davis student conduct policies and procedures are submitted to the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, the Chancellor, and the UC Office of the President for review. Please refer to 102.26. It includes actions by an individual previously accepted and taking classes who engaged in activity reasonable interpreted as continuing to pursue and academic program or representing completion of an academic program at the University. At the informal hearing, the Judicial Officer tells the student the information supporting the report, allows the student to respond and to submit any relevant information on their behalf. "Deferred Separation" means that Judicial Officer may impose any appropriate sanction, including Dismissal, after determining that a violation has occurred. of the nature of the referral and the policies that may have been violated. Violations committed under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or other controlled substances are not involuntary and are subject to discipline. ARE 001—Economic Basis of the Agricultural Industry (4) Lecture—4 hour(s). Violation of any conditions in the written Notice of Loss of Privileges and Exclusion from Activities, or violation of University policies or campus regulations during the period of the sanction may be cause for further disciplinary action, normally in the form of Probation, Suspension or Dismissal. If found in violation, OSSJA imposes the appropriate sanctions and/or outcomes. The Office of Student Support and Judicial Affairs and/or the Center for Student Involvement is responsible for addressing conduct involving registered student organizations under procedures in Appendix B of this Policy. CJB student members will receive annual training regarding University policies for student conduct, the student disciplinary process, and procedures to be followed in formal hearings. Upon receiving a written report or a request for review, OSSJA will evaluate the matter. A CJB panel, normally comprised of students and faculty, has primary responsibility for hearing disputed cases of suspected academic misconduct. UC Davis Faculty, Students, & Staff. C. Suspension, Suspension of Graduation, or Dismissal for academic misconduct will include the phrase “for Academic Misconduct” appended to the language in A. or B. D. Notations of Suspension are removed at the end of the Suspension; notation of Dismissal is removed if the student is readmitted to UC Davis. The interdisciplinary minor in Quantitative Biology and Bioinformatics is an integrative program that introduces students to the quantitative and computational approaches that are redefining all disciplines in the biological sciences, from molecular and cell biology, through genetics and physiology, to ecology and evolutionary biology. The student may accept the written description by e-mail, electronic signature or written signature. A student shall be restricted only to the minimum extent necessary when there is reasonable cause to believe that the student's participation in University activities or presence at specified areas of the campus will lead to physical abuse, threats of violence, or conduct that threatens the health or safety of any person on University property or at official University functions, or other disruptive activity incompatible with the orderly operation of the campus. F. OSSJA will notify the parties of the Director’s decision and include a copy of the hearing authority’s findings and recommendations within ten (10) days of receiving the final findings of fact from the hearing authority. The loss of University employment shall not be a form of discipline under these Policies. The Director has authority to deny the request if the Director determines that an open hearing would invade the privacy rights of others; if it might reasonably be expected to result in threats to or intimidation of witnesses; or for other substantial reasons. The standards of conduct apply to students as the term ‘student’ is defined in Section 14.40 of these Policies [UC PACAOS]. This section does not apply to conduct that constitutes the lawful defense of oneself, of another, or of property, Making a video recording, audio recording, taking photographs, , or streaming audio/video of any person in a location where the person has a reasonable expectation of privacy, without that person’s knowledge and express consent. Appeals from discipline imposed under a deferred sanction must be submitted as provided in Section 103.11.7 below. Cases involving graduate students or professional students in the Graduate School of Management, the Law School, the School of Education, or the School of Nursing, may be heard before a graduate and professional school hearing panel. Upon receipt of a report of alleged misconduct, OSSJA reviews the report to determine whether the alleged behavior, if true, violates the UC Davis Standards of Conduct. OSSJA or the hearing authority may implement measures they deem appropriate to protect the well-being of the parties and witnesses. The student may be required to pay the cost, if any, for completing the workshop, training, or meeting. If OSSJA determines that further inquiry is appropriate, OSSJA sends written notice, by e-mail, to the reported student. The University may provide amnesty for violations of Section 102.27 &c. for individuals who comply in good faith with contact tracing for reported incidents. OSSJA, the hearing panel chairperson or the hearing officer may decide any procedural issues and may exclude proposed testimony that is irrelevant, unduly repetitive, or unreasonably time consuming, or may reserve such determinations until the hearing. If accepted, the student is provided the opportunity to present relevant information, in writing or in person to the Director for consideration regarding disciplinary sanction(s). that are illegal, perverse, publicly indecent, contrary to the individual’s genuine moral and/or religious beliefs, or contrary to the rules, policies, and regulations of the University. Advisors may include, but are not limited to, the following: Attorneys. The role of a hearing authority is to conduct a formal hearing and recommend findings to OSSJA whether a preponderance of the evidence establishes a violation of conduct standards. The Director or hearing authority will provide a brief explanation as to why the information will not be included. The complainant(s) and/or witnesses are members of the campus community. The role of a hearing authority is to conduct a formal hearing and recommend findings to OSSJA whether a preponderance of the evidence establishes a violation of conduct standards. Advisors may assist the parties prior to, and at a hearing, but advisors do not prepare or present the case for the parties. University activities include curricular or extra-curricular events on campus that support the educational mission of the University or the free expression of speech or ideas on campus. OSSJA may place administrative holds on a student's registration, graduation, diploma, and transcripts for failure to meet deadlines. University faculty, students, staff members or third parties appointed by the Vice Chancellor or designee to hear student disciplinary cases. If several witnesses will be presented, the issues are complex, or if otherwise deemed useful, a pre-hearing conference may be scheduled at the discretion of the hearing panel chair, hearing officer, or OSSJA. The appealing party has the burden of persuading the appeal authority that (i) the University did not follow its procedures during the hearing or (ii) there was demonstrated bias, such that, if true, is substantial and sufficient to alter the findings and decision. University administrative policies. The Director has discretion whether to grant an exception taking into consideration the impact of the delay in reporting upon the accused student including availability of witnesses or evidence. If a reported incident of misconduct results in criminal investigation and/or prosecution as well as student disciplinary action, OSSJA has discretion to take the following actions: OSSJA is not required to delay the disciplinary process if there is a criminal investigation or prosecution, and has sole discretion in determining how to proceed. If the student does not accept the written description, a sanction review is not available. B. The RSO may review any written documentation supporting the report. If the reported student participates in informal resolution, the process usually includes one or more meetings or other communications between the student and OSSJA to discuss the reported misconduct. - Limit official communication if both parties belong to an organization not affiliated with the University. (361 Documents), STA 32 - Before adoption, proposed substantive revisions to UC Davis student conduct policies and procedures are submitted to the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, the Chancellor, and the UC Office of the President for review. A No Contact Directive (NCD) is a direction issued by a university official notifying a student not to have any further contact with an individual through any means whether in person or through any other means, including but not limited to, electronic communication or communication through third parties.

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